The Clock is Ticking (Part One )

 The clock is ticking !  

It's a brand new year and from what I'm seeing from here, it's gonna' be a real trip unlike anything we've ever experienced in this country. 
Let me see, there's a thing called "MAGA" and truthfully, I thought that the people in this country were more than capable of recognizing pure bullshit when they hear it and can tell just by listening to someone if that person is mentally unstable or not. There have been numerous signs that someone should have noticed, i.e., Space lasers operated by the Jews or the Rothschilds, faked mass shootings , White supremacists at dinner with a former president, an insurrection that never really occurred, a member of congress thrown out of a public theater for groping her date in front of all the kiddies, backwoods, uneducated Minnie Pearl motherfuckers that seriously believe that Donald Trump is really president and not President Biden.........and it just goes on and on.
I'll just go ahead and drop some names since they obviously are oblivious to criticism anyway and we can compare notes and maybe amend our list of "Look Who's Crazy as Hell in Congress". A good starting place and deserving of the number one spot on our list, the one and only Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep(Ga). She is considered to be the chief propagandist in the maga -world and she knows no shame when it comes down to wild conspiracy theories to try and scare the hell out of people who are not in the know as far as politics goes. ( examples: Honey BooBoo. Paula White and others like them)
It's a real riot to see her at public events because it is almost a given that she will say or do something that will just crack you up! She is right up there with Rosanne Barr and that nut Guylifoil. I saw them on a couple of occassions and they did not disappoint; they both made total fools of themselves and walked off the stage looking like they just got a whiff of shit and could not be bothered. Perfect fit for the Trump circus train. The only thing missing is Bimbo number two; none other than that ex-stripper and cult favorite; Miss Maureen Boebert!
(end of part one)


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