
Showing posts from October, 2023

State of the Union ( as we see it)

The State of the Union (As seen by regular citizens) Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Congress, all elected officials, and all citizens. Thank you for taking the time to take part in this examination of the state of our country. We have come a long way since we became an independent nation; a democracy where we govern ourselves and abide by the rule of law set by our elected representatives and the Judicial system so that we are all treated equally under the law and allowed to continue to prosper in our businesses, our family lives and move forward as free and decent people. It does appear though, that we have somehow lost our sense of what it means to be an American in some instances. Americans are known to be compassionate, tolerant and  promoters of democracy all around the world in nations that have too long suffered under the yoke of oppression with no means to defend themselves against tyranny. It is a part of our moral fiber to always defend and come to the aid of the underd

Update on the Israeli War

The Latest from the Front Today, the IDF has been making preparations for the invasion into Gaza; they have not set a time- table  , but there are around 350,000 troops massing along the border and there has been sustained Howitzer shelling into the Gaza Strip all day today in an effort to soften the targets prior to the ground forces moving in. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel said in interviews that Hamas is much worse than ISIS; they are taking hostages and it has been reported that they are decapitating babies and murdering teens and young adults by burning them alive. He says that the goal of Hamas is to completely wipe out the state of Israel and the Jews much like the Nazis in WW II., but with the support from other countries, they are destined to come up short of that goal because the Israelis are not to be taken lightly and they are very much prepared for the battles ahead. The U.S. and other allies are busy sending all kinds of aid; some of it is weapons and t
  Putting the Brakes on EBT in Alabama Many Alabamians lose their food assistance this month as more stringent requirements go into effect. The work or classtime requirements are especially difficult for those in the rural areas without means of transportation to conduct the required seach for employment as required by these new rules. The only thing I see coming from these tighter rules is an increase in the number of children that will be going to bed hungry each night as well as a drop in their school grades because hunger has a way of making you distracted and inattentive. But, to hell with the fine points; let’s just get on board with Alabama’s governor and build multimillion dollar prisons while these hungry children head down a road to end them up in one of those prisons for lack of education or a job. We need to rid ourselves of politicians that have their priorities wrong; they forget how they got where they are…on the backs of the people whose needs they neglect while fatteni


Quick Note! Kevin finally got his; the Speaker of the House found out what his extremist buddies REALLY think about him when they voted to remove him from his new post as Speaker of the House of Representatives. (after 15 rounds of voting) It will be very interesting to see what his state of mind will be now and what effects his expulsion will have on his ability to interact with his maga-members. Will he ride the Trump circus train or will he flip?  Stay tuned for updates! 

How much worse can it get?

 How much worse could it get for the Donald after everything that has already happened? Well, since it is his habit to defy all authority, he's now facing further charges and quite possibly a promise of prison to await his other trials for threatening authorities in Washington, New York, and Georgia. He went so far as to call for the assasination of one of the highest ranking generals in the military; unbelievable? Not really. He has thumbed his nose at authority for so long without consequences that he thinks he's invincible and above the law. What's harder to believe is that there are people that want to put him back in the Whitehouse and trust him to run the country; now that's the scary part. Just look at Marjorie Taylor Greene. If she doesn't qualify for the "I'm crazy as hell" card, I don't know who does. That is ,of course, if you aren't counting Matt Gaitz, Ted Cruz, Maureen Bobert, and the old fag guy from S. Carolina, Lindsey Graham a